Data Protection Policy for Actual Technologies

At Actual Technologies (also known as ActualTech), we care about your privacy when you use our products. Our philosophy is: your data is your business, not ours. We make money by selling software, not by collecting your personal information.

We prefer not to collect data from you unless it's necessary for our products to work properly. When we do need to collect data, we make sure to:

  • Explain why we need it
  • Collect only what’s necessary
  • Tell you how long we’ll keep it
  • Delete it when we no longer need it
  • Allow you to opt out of data collection when possible

We use modern security measures to protect your data and limit access to only those employees who need it to do their jobs. We will only share your data with law enforcement or government agencies if required by law.

Website Cookies

The website uses cookies to store preferences and analyze traffic. You can learn more about how cookies are used and how to disable them on our Cookie Policy page.

Website Purchases

When you buy a product from, we collect:

  • Your full name
  • Billing address, including country
  • Company name (optional)
  • Email address
  • Phone number

We collect this information to deliver your product and identify you as the owner. We may also use it to verify your identity if you contact us for support, request a receipt or refund, or need your driver’s license key re-sent.

We do not sell or share this information with third parties, except to complete your transaction. For example, we share your info with our credit card processor at the time of purchase.

We do not store your complete credit card number, expiration date, or CVV code. Your credit card details go directly from your web browser to our credit card processor. We do store the last 4 digits of the credit card number in case we need to provide a refund or resolve a billing discrepancy.

You can update your personal information by emailing We keep your name, company name, email address, and country information indefinitely to help with support. Street address and phone number are deleted after 60 days. If you want us to remove your personal information, contact Keep a copy of your driver license keys, as we won't be able to look them up and you will no longer be able to install them on a different computer once your info is deleted.

Support Interactions

When you contact us for support, we collect:

  • Your email address
  • Metadata in the email header
  • Any information you provide voluntarily (like crash logs)

This info helps us resolve your support request. We keep support emails indefinitely to help answer future questions and identify trends in support requests. If you want your support emails removed, contact

Update Checking

Our drivers have a button to check for updates. When you check for updates, a request is sent to our server with the driver name and version, and some metadata about your computer, such as operating system version. You can choose not to check for updates by not pressing the button.


When you enter a license key to unlock a driver, an activation request is sent to our server. This request contains encrypted info about the license key, the driver name and version, the computer name, and the operating system version. The server checks if license key is valid and sends back a confirmation or an error message. This info is stored indefinitely to ensure the license key is used according to our license agreement.


When you interact with our servers, some metadata about the request is logged. This may include:

  • Your IP address
  • The resource requested
  • The software making the request
  • Whether the request was successful
  • The date and time

We generally only look at these logs if there’s a problem with the server. We may also look at the logs in aggregate to see trends. Server logs are kept for 90 days.

Third-Party Vendor Services

To request removal of your personal information from third-party services, contact those companies directly. Our third-party vendors include:

Data Not Collected

Except as described, our drivers and other products do not send out any private information such as:

  • Device sensor information
  • Keyboard input
  • Screen contents
  • Network traffic
  • Usernames
  • Passwords
  • SSH/Encryption keys
  • File contents

Our ODBC drivers will send and receive your information over a network at your request but not to ActualTech or any third party. Information in transit will be encrypted if you use a protocol that supports encryption. It is your responsibility to be aware of the security implications of the protocols you choose to use.

Backed-up Data

We keep backups of company data to prevent data loss. Although personal data expires from our records set as mentioned, it may persist in backups for up to 6 months. Backups are only accessible to authorized employees.

Opting Out

  • EU citizens can exercise their rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by contacting us.
  • California residents can exercise their rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act by contacting us.
  • We will honor new privacy laws as they are enacted.

Questions and Feedback

Our privacy policies may change over time. Up-to-date information will always be available on this page. Contact us if you have any questions about our data collection or privacy policies. We're happy to discuss them with you.

Last updated: August 2, 2024